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How to finally switch your sleep position to end back pain?

How to finally switch your sleep position to end back pain?

Turning and tossing all night, waking up tired every day! Now is the time to put a full stop to it. Having a problem with back pain is interlinked with the way one sits or sleeps. This poor posture plays a significant role in impacting the mental and physical well-being of a person. And starting a day with back pain is a problem to look after.

Well, if you are the one struggling while sleeping, it's time to revise your sleep position. Within this article, we will guide you on how to switch back to a sleeping position, which can alleviate back pain and enhance the quality of sleep.

* Knowing the impact of sleep position on back pain:

Laying in an unlikely position can strain parts of the body like the spine, neck, or shoulders. The way one sleeps directly affects the curvature of the body. Having a sleeping position where pressure is weighing heavily on a part of the body can leave that part stiff or sore. 

The best sleeping position is considered when weight is evenly distributed to each part of the body.

Following are some of the best sleeping positions mentioned, which can exactly help in body relaxation and prioritise spinal health:

  • Sleeping on the back: 
  • To get optimal alignment with the spine, place a pillow under the knee while sleeping. Lying in a reclined position can help maintain an angle between the thighs and back. Support the neck with the pillow to make it aligned with the chest and back. 

  • Sleeping on the side:
  • Keep a pillow between your legs while sleeping on the side. This can help keep the pelvis, back, chest, and neck aligned. For further support, keep a pillow under the neck to avoid causing strain on the neck and shoulders. 

  • Sleeping on the stomach
  • Sleeping on the stomach is not considered the most ideal sleeping position. However, it can be improved by putting a pillow under the lower part of the stomach. This can help in the relaxation of the stomach and the back while also not putting pressure on the front of the body. 

    * Tips to make a switch:

    1. Go slow: We understand that sleeping in the correct position is not an overnight thing. So give yourself time to adapt to the position. Choose the most comfortable position. Try replacing the pillow with a towel if it is not comfortable. But go slowly and give your body time to adapt to it.
    2. Choose a good pillow: Invest in a pillow that is curated to elevate your sleeping experience. Look after the pillow, which supports the neck, head, and upper part of the spine. Avoid using a pillow that makes you sink or is too hard to keep your head on.
    3. Rate the mattress: A good mattress can be a game-changer when sleeping. Go for an orthopedic mattress if you struggle with back pain. When buying a mattress, keep a special eye on its firmness. Opt for an airbed which can help in giving serene sleep and reducing muscle tension. 

    * Additional tips:

    Further, below are the steps that can be followed to help maintain good posture: 

    1. Exercise regularly: Engaging in regular exercise, yoga, and stretching can be beneficial for a longer run. It can help the body parts stay aligned and strong.
    2. Maintain posture: Do whatever it takes to keep good posture. Sit with your back straight. Avoid slouching and sitting crooked for prolonged periods of time.
    3. Monitor your screen time: Though this might look like a trivial thing, the screen is one of the factors contributing to a sedentary lifestyle. While watching the screen, one is unaware of the sitting style, which affects the posture. Also, prolonged screen time affects the sleep cycle, which disrupts the sleeping schedule.

    * Conclusion:

    The takeaway from this guide is to know the link between back pain and sleep. It's important to reassess the way of sleeping and align the best position. By gradually making those changes and taking steps little by little, incorporating the following steps can help you have a good sleep without back pain. We advise you to consult with professionals if the problem persists. Remember not to ignore the worsening situation that might arise even after fixing the sleeping position.

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