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Breath of Relief: Know about Seasonal Allergies, Causes and Prevention

Breath of Relief: Know about Seasonal Allergies, Causes and Prevention

Springs have already made their way to summer, but you find yourself still sneezing? Or with the change in the pattern of seasons, are you experiencing itchy eyes, a runny nose, a headache, or wheezing? Well, this is called "Seasonal Allergies."

As the seasons keep moving in a cyclic form, some people eagerly wait for nature to bloom while some people catch a chill. A change in season brings with itself a change in the environment, which somehow is alien to different immune systems. To make matters worse, the recent havoc in the environment due to global warming has made people more vulnerable to allergies.

But thanks to the world of medical technology, who made it to the top by researching the plausible factors behind seasonal allergies. With the ingenuity of mankind, various measures and devices are introduced to tackle allergic issues swiftly. In this blog, we will cover more information about such devices, prevention tips, and the causes of seasonal allergies. 

Seasonal Allergies at Glance: Seasonal allergy is a kind of allergy that is caused by the change in seasons, which triggers discomfort in people. Some of the common symptoms are…

  • Sneezing
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Itchy or watery eyes
  • Itchy throat or ears
  • Coughing
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Ear congestion or popping
  • Irritability 

It is most commonly known as hay fever or allergic rhinitis. Mostly, it is self-diagnosis and can be cured on its own for a while. However, one can't eliminate such allergies, which makes it necessary for the prone one to stay away from the things that trigger them.

Causes behind Seasonal Allergies. 

Let's dive deeper to know what triggers the discomfort among the people due to allergens during seasonal change:

  • Pollen as a Peril:
  • During the season transition, plants often release pollen which is a major irritant. However, it is harmless, but often the individual's immune system finds this pollen as a foreign substance. When pollen particles are inhaled or come into contact with the eyes, nose, or throat, the immune system overreacts, releasing histamines and other chemicals as a defense mechanism. This initiates allergic reactions like... 

    • Sneezing
    • Runny or Stuffy Nose
    • Itchy or Watery Eyes
    • Itchy throat
    • Coughing
    • Fatigue
  • Smog to Smother:
  • With the worsening climate change, pollution is taking a toll at a peak. Such a worsening climate brings with it harsh weather that is enough to smother anyone to death. Smog and smoke are examples of pollution. Smog is primarily composed of ground-level ozone, particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and volatile organic compounds. 

    Such hazy, grayish, brown-like air causes not only respiratory issues but also allergic reactions. Prolonged exposure to smog can even lead to inflammation in the respiratory tract and lungs.

  • Immune System Sensitivity: 
  • Although seasonal allergies knock on the door, being unaware of the age of an individual . People with low Immune systems are more likely to be affected by allergies. Substances such as pollen, dust mites, pet dander, and mold spores affect certain groups of people to a greater extent than others. Here are the following groups who are vulnerable to irritants:- 

    • Early childhood, as the immune system of children is still under development.
    • Adolescence of Young Adulthood because of the hormonal changes in the body.
    • Senior Citizens as the immune system starts weakening with age

    With a clear understanding of what sparks seasonal allergies, let's move on to know the proactive measures one can take to minimize the exposure and find relief.

    * Fight against foes: How to prevent Seasonal Allergies?

    Well, knowing what causes seasonal allergy is not enough. One has to build a shield to defend against these pesky allergies. Here, is your guide on how you can get well versed with few of such measures:- 

    1. Air Purifiers: Air Purifiers work wonders when it comes to alleviating allergy irritants. The construction of this device is made in such a way that it traps even the tiniest of particles. This makes this device compatible enough to lessen the effectiveness of allergens and also create an odor-free breathing environment.
    2. Monitoring Pollen Counts: Pollen which acts as a harmful peril increases the chance of allergy infection. Therefore, it's best of interest to keep monitoring the pollen counts through sources like local news channels, weather forecasts, or studies of health departments. One can even go with interpreting the pollen counts by considering the geographical locations when they are most dispersed. For example, pollen counts are often higher on warm, windy days and lower during rainy or cool weather.
    3. Using Dehumidifiers: The mechanism of dehumidifiers works effectively when it comes to soaking the excessive moisture from the air. Excessive moisture warmly welcomes the growth of mold spores, dust mites, or other allergens. To hinder such growth, dehumidifiers attack the area of attraction by reducing the humidity in the air.
    4. Identifying triggers: The causes of allergies are different for different immune systems. So a danger to one can be resistible to others. That makes it important for one to focus and know the particular factors which trigger the allergies in them. This simplifies the issues by centralizing the focus to combat the danger.
    5. Avoid Exposure: While exposure is considered good for professional development, body development works differently. Staying indoors during seasons with more pollen counts is the best advice. Such measures limit your exposure to the environment which reduces the chances of having allergies. In circumstances where outdoor activities become unavoidable, wearing full sleeves clothes is preferable. 

    Apart from following such measures, avoiding a few activities can also help to manage such bothersome issues. Here is a range of activities that you can avoid if you are more prone to allergies:

    * Avoid Activities like...

    • Keep windows open as they become a direct entry for allergens to enter.
    • Weeding or spending more time gardening as they are the source of pollen.
    • Hanging clothes outside as they recklessly choose the pollen particles for themselves.
    • Staying in Windy areas as they bring allergens directly to your way. 
    • Exercising outdoors as it sometimes weakens the immune system instead of strengthening them.

    Summing Up:

    With this article, we aim to shed light on allergy management. Understanding how challenging and daunting it could be for one to face the challenges, a spotlight has been thrown for all the vulnerable to prevent allergies at their best. Knowing the right symptoms and mitigating them, one can embrace all the seasons with full confidence after getting armed with power-boosting knowledge. So be it spring, summer, winter, or rainy, let's widen our arms and inhale peace with all relief.

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